NEWS@VT Almunus Wins the 2019 Outstanding Dissertation Award in "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics"

Congratuations to ECE Alumnus Mohammad Mozaffari (Ph.D. 18) for winning the 2019 Outstanding Dissertation Award in the "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics" category from the Virginia Tech Graduate School.Mohammad's dissertation title is Fundamentals of Wireless Communications and Networking with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and his advisor was Dr. Walid Saad.

Mohammad's dissertation was selected for this award based on the originality of his research and its potential for high impact, the contribution he has made to the scientific community, as well as the preparation of his final document.

The award carries a certificate and an honorarium of $1,000 from the Graduate School, which will be presented at the Graduate Awards Banquet on Thursday, March 28, 2019.

Posted on Mar 7, 2019